Source code for geometric_calibration.geometric_calibration

"""Main module."""

import os
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import click
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from geometric_calibration.reader import (

from geometric_calibration.utils import (

[docs]def calibrate_cbct(projection_dir, bbs_3d, sad, sid): """Main CBCT Calibration routines. :param projection_dir: path to directory containing .raw files :type projection_dir: str :param bbs_3d: array containing 3D coordinates of BBs :type bbs_3d: numpy.array :param sad: nominal source to isocenter (A) distance :type sad: float :param sid: nominal source to image distance :type sid: float :return: dictionary with calibration results :rtype: dict """ # RCS: room coordinate system # A: isocenter # Read image labels labels_file_path = os.path.join(projection_dir, "imgLabels.txt") proj_file, angles = read_img_label_file(labels_file_path) # Initialize output dictionary results = { "proj_angles": [], "panel_orientation": [], "sid": [], "sad": [], "isocenter": [], "source": [], "panel": [], "img_center": [], "err_init": [], "err_final": [], } # Calibrate views with click.progressbar( iterable=range(len(angles)), fill_char="=", empty_char=" " ) as prog_bar: for k in prog_bar: proj_path = os.path.join( projection_dir, proj_file[k] ) # path of the current image if k == 0: # no indications other than nominal values # Calibrate first view with drag and drop procedure view_results = calibrate_projection( proj_path, bbs_3d, sad=sad, sid=sid, angle=angles[k], angle_offset=0, img_dim=[1024, 768], pixel_size=[0.388, 0.388], search_area=7, drag_and_drop=True, ) else: # if not first iteration # initialize geometry (based on previous optimization) angle_offset = angles[k] - angles[k - 1] image_center = view_results["img_center"] # Calibrate other views without drag and drop procedure view_results = calibrate_projection( proj_path, bbs_3d, sad=sad, sid=sid, angle=angles[k - 1], angle_offset=angle_offset, img_dim=[1024, 768], pixel_size=[0.388, 0.388], search_area=7, image_center=image_center, drag_and_drop=False, ) # Update output dictionary results["proj_angles"].append(view_results["proj_angle"]) results["panel_orientation"].append( view_results["panel_orientation"] ) results["sid"].append(view_results["sid"]) results["sad"].append(view_results["sad"]) results["isocenter"].append(view_results["isocenter"]) results["source"].append(view_results["source"]) results["panel"].append(view_results["panel"]) results["img_center"].append(view_results["img_center"]) results["err_init"].append(view_results["err_init"]) results["err_final"].append(view_results["err_final"]) return results
[docs]def calibrate_2d(projection_dir, bbs_3d, sad, sid): """Main 2D Calibration routines. :param projection_dir: path to directory containing .raw files :type projection_dir: str :param bbs_3d: array containing 3D coordinates of BBs :type bbs_3d: numpy.array :param sad: nominal source to isocenter (A) distance :type sad: float :param sid: nominal source to image distance :type sid: float :return: dictionary with calibration results :rtype: dict """ # RCS: room coordinate system # A: isocenter # Find projection files in the current folder proj_file = [] angles = [] for f in os.listdir(projection_dir): if ("AP" or "RL") and (".raw" or ".hnc") in f: proj_file.append(f) if "AP" in f: angles.append(0) elif "RL" in f: angles.append(90) # Initialize output dictionary results = { "proj_angles": [], "panel_orientation": [], "sid": [], "sad": [], "isocenter": [], "source": [], "panel": [], "img_center": [], "err_init": [], "err_final": [], } # Calibrate views with click.progressbar( iterable=range(len(angles)), fill_char="=", empty_char=" ", ) as prog_bar: for k in prog_bar: proj_path = os.path.join( projection_dir, proj_file[k] ) # path of the current image # Calibrate views with drag and drop procedure view_results = calibrate_projection( proj_path, bbs_3d, sad=sad, sid=sid, angle=angles[k], angle_offset=0, img_dim=[2048, 1536], pixel_size=[0.388, 0.388], search_area=14, resolution_factor=2, drag_and_drop=True, ) # Update output dictionary results["proj_angles"].append(view_results["proj_angle"]) results["panel_orientation"].append( view_results["panel_orientation"] ) results["sid"].append(view_results["sid"]) results["sad"].append(view_results["sad"]) results["isocenter"].append(view_results["isocenter"]) results["source"].append(view_results["source"]) results["panel"].append(view_results["panel"]) results["img_center"].append(view_results["img_center"]) results["err_init"].append(view_results["err_init"]) results["err_final"].append(view_results["err_final"]) return results
[docs]def calibrate_projection( projection_file, bbs_3d, sad, sid, angle, angle_offset=0, img_dim=[1024, 768], pixel_size=[0.388, 0.388], search_area=7, resolution_factor=1, image_center=None, drag_and_drop=True, ): """Calibration of a single projection. :param projection_file: path to file :type projection_file: str :param bbs_3d: 3D coordinates of phantom's reference points :type bbs_3d: numpy.array :param sad: nominal source to isocenter (A) distance :type sad: float :param sid: nominal source to image distance :type sid: float :param angle: gantry angle for current projection :type angle: float :param angle_offset: angle offset for panel, defaults to 0 :type angle_offset: int, optional :param img_dim: image dimensions in pixels, defaults to [1024, 768] :type img_dim: list, optional :param pixel_size: pixel dimensions in mm, defaults to [0.388, 0.388] :type pixel_size: list, optional :param search_area: dimension of reference point's searching area, defaults to 7 :type search_area: int, optional :param resolution_factor: resolution factor, when mode is "cbct" this parameter equals to 1, in 2D mode is 2 (because resolution is doubled), defaults to 1 :type resolution_factor: int, optional :param image_center: [description], defaults to None :type image_center: [type], optional :param image_center: center of image, defaults to None :type image_center: list, optional :param drag_and_drop: whether or not perform Drag&Drop correction routines, typically set to True for first projection. Defaults to True :type drag_and_drop: bool, optional :raises Exception: if less than 5 BBs centroids are recognized, optimizer automatically fails since calibration can't be consider reliable :return: dictionary with calibration results for current projection :rtype: dict """ results = {} if image_center is None: # in case image_center is not declared image_center = [img_dim[1] / 2, img_dim[0] / 2] isocenter = [0, 0, 0] # panel orientation (from panel to brandis reference - rotation along y) panel_orientation = np.array([0, deg2rad(angle), 0]) + np.array( [0, deg2rad(angle_offset), 0] ) # Load projection if ".raw" in projection_file: img = read_projection_raw(projection_file, img_dim) elif ".hnc" in projection_file: img = read_projection_hnc(projection_file, img_dim) # Project points starting from extrinsic and intrinsic parameters # generate proj_matrix (extrinsic and intrinsic parameters) T = create_camera_matrix(panel_orientation, sid, sad, pixel_size, isocenter) # projected coordinates of brandis on panel plane r2d = project_camera_matrix( bbs_3d, image_center, T, resolution_factor ) # 2d coordinates of reference points grayscale_range = get_grayscale_range(img) if drag_and_drop is True: # Overlay reference bbs with projection r2d_corrected = drag_and_drop_bbs( projection_path=img, bbs_projected=r2d, grayscale_range=grayscale_range, ) # Starting from the updated coordinates, define a search area around them # and identify the bbs as black pixels inside these areas (brandis are used # as probes) if drag_and_drop is True: bbs_centroid = search_bbs_centroids( img=img, ref_2d=r2d_corrected, search_area=search_area, dim_img=img_dim, grayscale_range=grayscale_range, ) else: bbs_centroid = search_bbs_centroids( img=img, ref_2d=r2d, search_area=search_area, dim_img=img_dim, grayscale_range=grayscale_range, ) # Calibration - non linear data fitting optimization problem index = np.where(~np.isnan(bbs_centroid[:, 0]))[0] # Estimated BBs bbs_estim_init = bbs_centroid[ ~np.isnan(bbs_centroid).any(axis=1) ] # not consider if out of searching area # Real Brandis BBs bbs_real_init = bbs_3d[index, :] # x0 parameters = np.append(panel_orientation, image_center).tolist() parameters.append(sid) parameters.append(sad) # Boundaries angle_limit = 0.05 sid_sad_limit = 1 low_bound = [ -angle_limit, -np.pi, -angle_limit, 0, 0, sid - sid_sad_limit, sad - sid_sad_limit, ] up_bound = [ angle_limit, np.pi, angle_limit, img_dim[1], img_dim[0], sid + sid_sad_limit, sad + sid_sad_limit, ] if index.shape[0] > 5: # at least 5 BBs sol = least_squares( fun=calibration_cost_function, x0=parameters, args=(bbs_real_init, pixel_size, bbs_estim_init, isocenter,), method="trf", bounds=(low_bound, up_bound) # verbose=2, ) sol = sol.x # Solution found panel_orientation_new = np.array(sol[:3]) # New panel orientation image_center_new = np.array(sol[3:5]) # New center of image sid_new = sol[5] sad_new = sol[6] isocenter_new = isocenter else: raise Exception("Cannot properly process last projection. Please Retry") # project based on calibration - use new panel orientation, # tube and panel position T = create_camera_matrix( panel_orientation_new, sid_new, sad_new, pixel_size, isocenter_new ) # projected coordinates of brandis on panel plane bbs_estim_final = project_camera_matrix( bbs_3d, image_center_new, T ) # projected BBs (considering unknown) # calculate improvement err_init = bbs_estim_init - r2d[index, :] # estimated - projected err_final = bbs_estim_init - bbs_estim_final[index, :] err_init = np.mean(abs(err_init)) err_final = np.mean(abs(err_final)) # calculate new source/panel position T_new = angle2rotm( panel_orientation_new[0], panel_orientation_new[1], panel_orientation_new[2], ) R_new = T_new[:3, :3] source_new = (isocenter_new + (R_new * np.array([0, 0, sad_new])))[:, 2] panel_new = (isocenter_new + (R_new * np.array([0, 0, sad_new - sid_new])))[ :, 2 ] # update with new value results["proj_angle"] = angle results["panel_orientation"] = panel_orientation_new results["sid"] = sid_new results["sad"] = sad_new results["isocenter"] = isocenter_new results["source"] = source_new results["panel"] = panel_new results["img_center"] = image_center_new results["err_init"] = err_init results["err_final"] = err_final return results
[docs]def calibration_cost_function(param, bbs_3d, pixel_size, bbs_2d, isocenter): """Cost Function for calibration optimizers. :param param: parameters to be optimized :type param: list :param bbs_3d: 3D coordinates of reference BBs :type bbs_3d: numpy.array :param pixel_size: pixel dimensions in mm :type pixel_size: list :param bbs_2d: 2D coordinates of BBs projected on the current image :type bbs_2d: numpy.array :param isocenter: coordinates of isocenter :type isocenter: numpy.array :return: cost function value to be minimized :rtype: float """ # unknown panel_orientation = np.array(param[:3]) img_center = np.array(param[3:5]) sid = np.array(param[5]) sad = np.array(param[6]) T = create_camera_matrix( panel_orientation, sid, sad, pixel_size, isocenter ) # projected coordinates of brandis on panel plane r2d = project_camera_matrix( bbs_3d, img_center, T ) # projected bbs (considering unknown) delta = r2d - bbs_2d # Error diff = np.square(delta[:, 0]) + np.square( delta[:, 1] ) # consider both directions return diff
[docs]def plot_calibration_results(calib_results): """Plot source/panel position after calibration. :param calib_results: dictionary containing results of a calibration :type calib_results: dict """ source_pos = np.array(calib_results["source"]) panel_pos = np.array(calib_results["panel"]) isocenter = np.array(calib_results["isocenter"]) def on_key_pressed(event): if event.key == "enter": plt.close() # Plot panel and source positions (trajectory) fig = plt.figure(num="Source/Panel Position") fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", on_key_pressed) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.scatter( source_pos[:, 0], source_pos[:, 1], source_pos[:, 2], marker=".", c="g", label="Source Position", ) ax.scatter( panel_pos[:, 0], panel_pos[:, 1], panel_pos[:, 2], marker=".", c="r", label="Panel Position", ) ax.scatter( isocenter[0, 0], isocenter[0, 1], isocenter[0, 2], marker=".", c="b", label="Isocenter Position", ) plt.title("Panel/Source position after calibration\nPress Enter to close") ax.set_xlabel("X Label [mm]") ax.set_ylabel("Y Label [mm]") ax.set_zlabel("Z Label [mm]") fig.legend(loc="lower right")
[docs]def save_lut(path, calib_results, mode): """Save LUT file for a calibration. :param path: path to .raw file directory, where LUT will be saved :type path: str :param calib_results: dictionary containing results for a calibration :type calib_results: dict :param calib_results: acquisition modality for calibration :type calib_results: string """ angles = calib_results["proj_angles"] panel_orientation = calib_results["panel_orientation"] image_center = calib_results["img_center"] sid = calib_results["sid"] sad = calib_results["sad"] clock = if mode == "cbct": filename = "CBCT_LUT_{}_{:02}_{:02}-{:02}_{:02}.txt".format( clock.year, clock.month,, clock.hour, clock.minute, ) elif mode == "2d": filename = "2D_LUT_{}_{:02}_{:02}-{:02}_{:02}.txt".format( clock.year, clock.month,, clock.hour, clock.minute, ) output_file = os.path.join(path, filename) with open(output_file, "w") as res_file: res_file.write(f"#Look Up Table for {mode.upper()} reconstruction\n") res_file.write( "#Angle (deg) | Panel Orientation(rad) [X Y Z] | Image_center(pixel) X Y | SID(mm) | SAD(mm)\n" ) res_file.write( "#Date:{}_{}_{}_Time:{}_{}_{}.{}\n".format( clock.year, clock.month,, clock.hour, clock.minute, clock.second, clock.microsecond, ) ) res_file.write("#\n") res_file.write("# --> END OF HEADER. FIXED SIZE: 5 lines. \n") for k in range(len(angles)): res_file.write( "{:6.12f} {:6.12f} {:6.12f} {:6.12f} {:6.12f} {:6.12f} {:6.12f} {:6.12f}\n".format( angles[k], panel_orientation[k][0], panel_orientation[k][1], panel_orientation[k][2], image_center[k][0], image_center[k][1], sid[k], sad[k], ) ) res_file.write( r"# END OF FILE. REQUIRED TO ENSURE '\n' at the end of last calibration line. NO MORE LINES AFTER THIS!!!" )