Source code for geometric_calibration.reader

"""This module contains some function for I/O purposes."""
import os
import numpy as np
from geometric_calibration.utils import angle2rotm, deg2rad

[docs]def read_bbs_ref_file(filename): """Read phantom reference file with bbs coordinates :param filename: path to file :type filename: str :return: Array containing bbs coordinates [x,y,z] :rtype: numpy.array """ # Load reference 3D BBs # spiral distribution visible on x-y plane # [X,Y,Z] coordinates of Brandis phantom reference BB bbs = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=" ") # spiral distribution visible on x-z plane # rotation along x about 90 T_map = angle2rotm(deg2rad(90), deg2rad(0), deg2rad(0)) bbs = np.append(bbs, np.ones((bbs.shape[0], 1)), axis=1) # homogeneous bbs = np.matmul(T_map, bbs.T).T bbs = bbs[:, 0:3] # back to not homogeneous return bbs
[docs]def read_img_label_file(filename): """Read imgLabels.txt file contained in .raw projection's directory. This File contains information about path and the gantry angle of every .raw projection. :param filename: path to file :type filename: str :return: list with path and list with angles for every row in imgLabels.txt file :rtype: list """ # read image labels with open(filename, "r") as f: f.readline() # Skip first row (header) file = f.readlines() proj_file = [] # last part of the projection file path angles = [] # angles of rotation of each image for line in file: proj_file.append(os.path.basename(line.split(" ")[0])) angles.append(float(line.split(" ")[1])) return proj_file, angles
[docs]def read_projection_raw(filename, dim): """Read .raw file and load it into a Numpy array. :param filename: path to file :type filename: str :param dim: Dimension of image :type dim: list :return: array containing loaded .raw image :rtype: numpy.array """ image = np.fromfile(filename, dtype="uint16", sep="") image = np.reshape(image, newshape=[dim[1], dim[0]]).T return image
[docs]def read_projection_hnc(filename, dim): """Read .hnc file and load it into a Numpy array. :param filename: path to file :type filename: str :param dim: Dimension of image :type dim: list :return: array containing loaded .raw image :rtype: numpy.array """ with open(filename, "rb") as f: # Read and discard header's bytes image = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint16) # Change the shape of the array to the actual shape of the picture image.shape = (dim[0], dim[1]) return image