Source code for geometric_calibration.utils

"""Utilities module."""
import numpy as np

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches

matplotlib.rcParams["toolbar"] = "None"

[docs]class DraggablePoints: """Draggable points on matplotlibe figure. Returns: DraggablePoints -- DraggablePoints object """ def __init__(self, artists, tolerance=10): for artist in artists: artist.set_picker(tolerance) self.artists = artists self.final_coord = None # assume all artists are in the same figure, otherwise selection # is meaningless self.fig = self.artists[0].figure = self.artists[0].axes self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self.on_press) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", self.on_release) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", self.on_motion) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", self.on_key_pressed) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("close_event", self.on_close) self.currently_dragging = False self.offset = np.zeros((1, 2)) self.x0 = 0 self.y0 = 0 plt.title( "Drag&Drop red points on the image.\nPress Enter to continue" ) # noqa: E501
[docs] def on_press(self, event): """Event Handler for mouse button pression. Arguments: event -- Event that triggers the method """ # is the press over some artist isonartist = False for artist in self.artists: if artist.contains(event)[0]: isonartist = artist self.x0 = event.xdata self.y0 = event.ydata if isonartist: # start dragging self.currently_dragging = True artist_center = np.array([ for a in self.artists]) event_center = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) self.offset = artist_center - event_center
[docs] def on_release(self, event): """Event Handler for mouse button release. Arguments: event -- Event that triggers the method """ if self.currently_dragging: self.currently_dragging = False
[docs] def on_motion(self, event): """Event Handler for mouse movement during dragging of points. Arguments: event -- Event that triggers the method """ if self.currently_dragging: newcenters = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) + self.offset for i, artist in enumerate(self.artists): = newcenters[i] self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def on_key_pressed(self, event): """Event Handler for "enter" key pression. Arguments: event -- Event that triggers the method """ if not self.currently_dragging and event.key == "enter": plt.close()
[docs] def on_close(self, event): """Event Handler for closure of figure. Arguments: event -- Event that triggers the method """ self.final_coord = self.get_coord()
[docs] def get_coord(self): """Obtain current coordinates of points. :return: An array nx2 containing coordinates for every point [x,y] :rtype: numpy.array """ return np.array([ for a in self.artists])
[docs]def drag_and_drop_bbs(projection_path, bbs_projected, grayscale_range): """Drag&Drop Routines for bbs position's correction. :param projection_path: Path to the projection .raw file :type projection_path: str :param bbs_projected: Array nx2 with bbs yet projected :type bbs_projected: numpy.array :param grayscale_range: Grayscale range for current projection :type grayscale_range: list :return: Array nx2 containing the updated coordinates for bbs :rtype: numpy.array """ # Overlay reference bbs with projection fig = plt.figure(num="Drag&Drop") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Reference image in background (must stay in position always) ax.imshow( projection_path, cmap="gray", vmin=grayscale_range[0], vmax=grayscale_range[1], ) # Drag&Drop pts = [] for x, y in zip(bbs_projected[:, 0], bbs_projected[:, 1]): point = patches.Circle((x, y), fc="r") pts.append(point) ax.add_patch(point) r2d_corrected = DraggablePoints(pts) return r2d_corrected.final_coord
[docs]def search_bbs_centroids(img, ref_2d, search_area, dim_img, grayscale_range): """Search bbs based on projection. Starting from the updated coordinates, define a search area around them and identify the bbs as black pixels inside these areas (brandis are used as probes). Search for the bbs in the image (basically very low intensity surrounding by higher intensity pixel. Centroids coordinates are the mean pixels that have an intensity that is lower than the lowest nominal intensity plus a tollerance. :param img: Array containing the loaded .raw file :type img: numpy.array :param ref_2d: Array nx2 containing the coordinates for bbs projected on img :type ref_2d: numpy.array :param search_area: Size of the region in which to search for centroids. Actual dimension of the area is a square with dimension (2*search_area, 2*search_area) :type search_area: int :param dim_img: Dimension of img :type dim_img: list :param grayscale_range: Grayscale range for current projection :type grayscale_range: list :raises Exception: if the function does not find any centroid, an exception is thrown :return: Array nx2 containing coordinates for every centroids found [x,y] :rtype: numpy.array """ bbs_centroid = [] for curr_point in ref_2d: # for each bbs ind_row = round(curr_point[0]) ind_col = round(curr_point[1]) # define the field of research min_row = int(max([0, ind_row - search_area])) min_col = int(max([0, ind_col - search_area])) max_row = int(min([ind_row + search_area, dim_img[1]])) max_col = int(min([ind_col + search_area, dim_img[0]])) # define a mask on the original image to underline field of research sub_img = img[min_col:max_col, min_row:max_row] sub_img = adjust_image( sub_img, grayscale_range ) # rescale grey level of the sub-image # Search for the bbs in the image (basically very low intensity # surrounding by higher intensity pixel. ii,jj are the coordinates of # the pixels that have an intensity that is lower than the lowest # nominal intensity plus a tollerance. ii, jj = np.where( sub_img < grayscale_range[0] + 0.1 * (grayscale_range[1] - grayscale_range[0]) ) # based on intensity if len(ii) == 0: bbs_centroid.append([np.nan, np.nan]) continue if (max(ii) - min(ii) < search_area) and ( max(jj) - min(jj) < search_area ): # based on coordinates bbs_centroid.append( [min_row + np.mean(jj) - 1, min_col + np.mean(ii) - 1] ) # position of the centroid of the bbs else: bbs_centroid.append( [np.nan, np.nan] ) # if out of the searching area if len(bbs_centroid) == 0: raise Exception( "Error! Try to better overlap reference with projection" ) bbs_centroid = np.array(bbs_centroid) return bbs_centroid
[docs]def deg2rad(angle_deg): """Convert angles from degrees to radians. :param angle_deg: Angle to convert :type angle_deg: int or float :return: Angle converted in radians :rtype: float """ return (np.pi / 180) * angle_deg
[docs]def angle2rotm(rot_x, rot_y, rot_z): """Generate a rototranslator (only rotation) starting from Euler angles NB: Convention is 'XYZ' :param rot_x: Rotation along x :type rot_x: int or float :param rot_y: Rotation along y :type rot_y: int or float :param rot_z: Rotation along z :type rot_z: int or float :return: 4x4 Rototranslation matrix in homogeneous form :rtype: numpy.array """ Rx = np.array( [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.cos(rot_x).item(), -np.sin(rot_x).item()], [0.0, np.sin(rot_x).item(), np.cos(rot_x).item()], ] ) Ry = np.array( [ [np.cos(rot_y).item(), 0.0, np.sin(rot_y).item()], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-np.sin(rot_y).item(), 0.0, np.cos(rot_y).item()], ] ) Rz = np.array( [ [np.cos(rot_z).item(), -np.sin(rot_z).item(), 0.0], [np.sin(rot_z).item(), np.cos(rot_z).item(), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ] ) R = np.matmul(Rz, np.matmul(Ry, Rx)) trans = R trans = np.append(trans, np.zeros((3, 1)), axis=1) trans = np.append(trans, np.zeros((1, 4)), axis=0) trans[3, 3] = 1.0 return trans
[docs]def project_camera_matrix(r3d, image_center, camera_matrix, resolution_scale=1): """Project 3D data starting from camera matrix based on intrinsic and extrinsic parameters :param r3d: Array nx3 containing 3d coordinates of points [x,y,z] :type r3d: numpy.array :param image_center: Center of the image :type image_center: list :param camera_matrix: Projection matrix obtained combining extrinsic and intrinsic parameters :type camera_matrix: numpy.array :param resolution_scale: resolution factor, when mode is "cbct" this parameter equals to 1, in 2D mode is 2 (because resolution is doubled), defaults to 1 :type resolution_scale: int, optional :return: Array nx2 containing 2D coordinates of points projected on image plane [x,y] :rtype: numpy.array """ r3d = np.append(r3d, np.ones((r3d.shape[0], 1)), axis=1) # homogeneous r3d = np.matmul(camera_matrix, r3d.T).T # apply proj_matrix and project r3d[:, 0] = ( np.divide(r3d[:, 0], r3d[:, 2]) * resolution_scale + image_center[0] ) # offset r3d[:, 1] = ( np.divide(r3d[:, 1], r3d[:, 2]) * resolution_scale + image_center[1] ) # offset r2d = r3d[:, :2] return r2d
[docs]def create_camera_matrix(panel_orientation, sid, sad, pixel_size, isocenter): """Generate projection matrix starting from extrinsic and intrinsic parameters. :param panel_orientation: Array nx3 containing rotations of the image's plane [rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] :type panel_orientation: numpy.array :param sid: SID distance :type sid: float :param sad: SAD distance :type sad: float :param pixel_size: Pixel Dimensions in mm :type pixel_size: list :param isocenter: Coordinates of isocenter :type isocenter: numpy.array :return: 3x4 Camera Matrix :rtype: numpy.array """ # extrinsic parameters extrinsic = angle2rotm( panel_orientation[0], panel_orientation[1], panel_orientation[2], ) extrinsic[:3, :3] = extrinsic[:3, :3].T # add isocenter projection in extrinsic matrix extrinsic[:3, 3] =[:3, :3], isocenter) extrinsic[2, 3] = extrinsic[2, 3] + sad # add sad # intrinsic parameters intrinsic = np.zeros((3, 4)) intrinsic[0, 0] = sid / pixel_size[1] intrinsic[1, 1] = sid / pixel_size[0] intrinsic[2, 2] = 1 # total matrix T = np.matmul(intrinsic, extrinsic) return T
[docs]def get_grayscale_range(img): """New grayscale range for .raw images, since original values are too bright. New range is computed between min of image and one order of magnitude less than original image. Worst case scenario [0, 6553.5] (since im is loaded as uint16) :param img: Array containing the loaded .raw image :type img: numpy.array :return: Grayscale range for current projection :rtype: list """ # image range - lowest and highest gray-level intensity for projection grayscale_range = [np.amin(img), np.amax(img) / 10] return grayscale_range
[docs]def adjust_image(img, new_grayscale_range): """Translate image data to the appropriate lower bound of the default data range. This translation is needed to show properly .raw images. :param img: Array containing the loaded .raw image :type img: numpy.array :param new_grayscale_range: Grayscale range to apply to image :type new_grayscale_range: list :return: Image corrected with new grayscale range :rtype: numpy.array """ # get current image range curr_range = [np.amin(img), np.amax(img)] if curr_range[0] == curr_range[1]: return img # translate to "zero out" the data new_img = img - curr_range[0] # apply a linear stretch of the data such that the selected data range # spans the entire default data range scale_factor = (new_grayscale_range[1] - new_grayscale_range[0]) / ( curr_range[1] - curr_range[0] ) new_img = new_img * scale_factor new_img = new_img + new_grayscale_range[0] # clip all data that falls outside the default range new_img[new_img < new_grayscale_range[0]] = new_grayscale_range[0] new_img[new_img > new_grayscale_range[1]] = new_grayscale_range[1] return new_img